Monday, July 3, 2017

no reskin pinterest account into Android app l appyet-dummy

no reskin pinterest : How to change your account into Android app

no reskin for dummies

no resking pinterest is you have your own web content and you turn it to an Android app this is not against Google play store policies its what I try to show you in appyet-dummy tutorials.
Reskin is a way of changing the assets and the graphics of an Android app while retaining the gameplay and source code.

Lets start

Open >>>>sign in>>>> create app>>>Select Pinterest Feed>>>>submit build>>>download.

no reskin pinterest screenshot1

please take a look at my last tutorial if you are lost in the first steps here.
After choosing your application name and package, icons, header, etc next hit that orange button Pinterest feed.
no reskin pinterest screenshot2

we are going to insert a Pinterest username that you use for login so mine is "7evenclubtaipei"
no reskin pinterest screenshot3

after your RSS feed link is build hit update and save changes
no reskin pinterest screenshot4

we are going back to the general section you can change the icon, modify the name if you finish click save changes.
no reskin pinterest screenshot5
no reskin pinterest 6

hit submit to build and wait for a moment that's it, when the build is complete you can download from the link next to Android package if the link didn't show up go back to the main menu >>My apps and check the state of your build if its still pending don't worry just wait for a 5min and refresh the page.
no reskin pinterest screenshot7

no reskin Pinterest app screenshot
pinterest account no reskin

no reskin Pinterest app screenshot 1
no reskin android app image1

no reskin Pinterest app screenshot 2
no reskin android app image2

no reskin Pinterest app screenshot 3
no reskin android app image5

this is just an example of what you can do with the great web software.
keep in your mind that there is no reskin to publish your app in google play store or in other markets.